Time for a Makeover

We have been in need of a makeover for K and R Styles for some time now.

No, we are not changing our brand or what we do. Instead, the makeover is more of a physical one: More space.

We placed our shop on vacation just before Christmas and we have been trying our best to move into a larger space so that we can offer you, our customer, a better selection of items with faster turn around times.

I’m not sure if anyone was aware, but my daughter-in-law, Heather, and I started this business in our dining room. At the beginning, it was great. Then, we began to expand. Currently, the business has outgrown the small dining room and has expanded into the living room. Our goal is to move into a larger space- and eventually, to open a retail store or expand into a building all on our own.

We’ve been trying to find a larger space for some time now. We thought we had found the perfect spot back in April/May, but 2020 has been a finicky year, especially where small businesses are concerned. We were ready to take that giant leap just yet, and it was a good thing, too.

That’s okay. Give us a week to move things around and make some changes, and then, we will be out of vacation mode and back into business mode.

Of course, we are on vacation, too. We drove from South Carolina to Illinois so that my daughter-in-law could see family. It’s been a blessing to share this experience with her. I got to check off states on my bucket list, and at the same time, she got to share her childhood home with us.

And did I mention we saw snow?

So much fun and a great way to end out this year.