Pink Elephant Onesie

Still Adding Product

We are still in the process of adding product to our website shop. It is our goal to be caught up with our Etsy shop. Currently, we have been adding product to our Etsy shop quite steadily while we build up our website. It is a work in process. There are 19 products in our Etsy store, and those will soon be on the website.

While I may have taught my grandson how to press the buttons to work the embroidery machine, I have a long way before I can teach him the operations of adding product or editing our website. I told his mom that I would do that eventually. Why not make a business a family affair?

Please bear with us as we expand over into this website. We usually add new products on the weekends, and I usually catch up the website throughout the week. This week will be quite difficult to manage product additions due to meetings at my full time job. I usually try to get home in time to work on the website, but I know that I will not be able to do that this week. It will be in smaller increments and working late on Thursday. Or even getting to work early and drafting my product pages.

Yes, life is creative when you are trying to work a full time job, and manage a business, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!