Amazon Public List: If you’d like to support our small business, but you don’t need clothing, you can always pour into our company by purchasing items from our business expansion wish list. We are always seeking out Angel Investors to help us grow. Our main objective is to not…
Saturday Spotlight: Shorts and Baby Bummies
Spring is upon us, and soon the warm weather will be setting in. We have plenty of great shorts and bummies in our shop for your little one. They are made from comfortable cotton knit with a yoga waistband (no excess elastic necessary).
Baby Shower Gifts Galore
When choosing a gift for a baby shower, it can be helpful to know what the expectant parents like or if they have a particular theme. Sometimes, baby genders are not announced and choosing something gender neutral can be a fabulous choice. Below are some of our great ideas for…
Spring is in the air
Things are in bloom, and I can feel it as Springtime is here. We may have had a few cooler days, but overall, we have some warm days that have caused the trees to bloom. As I sit and stare outside at the tree laden with lavender Wisteria vine blooms,…
Saturday Spotlight: Easter Outfits
It is almost time for Easter, and yes, we do have Easter shirts and bodysuits available to purchase. In fact, our Easter shirts and bodysuits come in either blue/green with the bunny ears and feet, or pink/purple.
When will our YouTube channel return in full?
I’ll be truthful with you: there’s just not enough room here to film, plus all of my mounts and tripods are in storage. I miss being able to film for you guys. In fact, I have so much that I want to share! Where we are currently was just temporary.…
Business Goals
I’m super excited about the fact that I’ve managed to reach my Quarter 1 goals for my business. My next step is to set some lofty goals for Quarter 2. We will have new products arriving in our shop in the next few weeks and months along with a new…
The Sewing Process
Actually, it’s more like meet my favorite friends. I love Singer sewing machines! I use them exclusively. In fact, one of my machines is almost as old as my children. I’ve had it for about 24 years. It has seen me through many projects from quilts to clothing for my…