source code

Errors and More

source code

Sometimes I regret stepping away from my computer for long lengths of time. So much has happened since August, and I’ve been trying to learn to cope with it all, and in doing so, I had to step back from my business(es) and heal. Imagine my surprise when I logged into the backend of my websites and realized that things had changed and for the worse!

Unfortunately, K and R Styles on the Darkside is currently down for the count with multiple errors. I have no way quick way to go in and fix things as my hosting company has changed many things since I last logged in. I know that I should have been logging in more frequently, but some of our circumstances involved us not having internet nor having access to my personal computer. Scratch that. I had access to my dead laptop, but not my charger.

Anyhow, I will have to go into the backend of the website, and instead of just clicking a few links and updating things, I will now have to go through every single webpage and update the scripts which will take some time. I’m out of practice in that department as it has been many years since I wrote code. As soon as the links are back up and working, I will be sure to post an update here and on social media.

Also, I realize I have not added any content to YouTube and TikTok. It’s coming. As soon as I am back in a working space. The only equipment I have managed to bring is my sewing machine, and that is because I have to repair some of our clothes. Making new items is something that will not happen any time soon. As soon as we are able to move, I should have everything up and running along with Rose Needle Co.